Feb 16Liked by BowTied Biohacker

Hi, looking for some advice to get rid of skinny fat to lean out.

Background: I used to be extremely overweight, 240lbs 5'9. Now i'm 162... but i'm skinny fat (prob 20% bf).

Here's what i'm currently doing to help myself:

300 cals on treadmill (i enter my weight, walk 13 incline 3mph).

Above 10k steps/day

Heavy weightlifting, 5-6 days/week

As for diet, i don't rly know what to do. I don't know whether I should keep it low carb or not. I've been trying to keep it 1g/lb with the protein and have been consistent, I eat a lot of meat and weigh everything.

I hate to bitch but I feel like Ive plauted. Maybe i'm just not being patient enough, but I've been fat for so long I just wanna get lean so I can bulk up, put on muscle, and stop feeling weak.

I wanna lose this as fast and efficiently as possible, so is there anything I should change or take in my routine to achieve my goals.

I currently only take creatine and magnesium. Thanks :)

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Should probably up the protein to 1.5 or 2g per lb if you're skinny fat

Should also do something a little more intense than incline walking (3MPH is pussy shit tbh)

Should be losing 1 lbs a week if you have a 500 daily deficit. Track your calories. That's your issue. Stop snacking. Your deficit is decimated from that single handful of whatever you take out of the pantry. I have an article on the scientific method to shredding. Read it. If you follow it exactly you will 100% get a 6 pack and consistent gains

Also, no such thing as "plateuing" when you're that fat. That's just cope. Hope you can appreciate some tough love and run with it. Go get shredded brother!

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Alright, i'll increase the intensity and protein then. Ill start doing sprints too. Will be more considerate with tracking. Say my BMR is 1620, i'll eat 1500 and burn the rest through walking, cardio (TDEE 2500ish). Do you think a 1000 cal deficit is too much, or it's fine?

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that's about as high as I'd go but yes totally fine, take vitamins

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will do 🫡

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Whilst GR-7 is proving great at temporarily reversing some grey hairs showing in my hair. Do you have any recommendations for tackling grey hairs? Many thanks.

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This deserves its own article! What is the process of determining the way in which you analyze supplementation? First safety, then performance and then cosmetic? How should we holistically approach supplementation? Get a widowmaker test first? Blood panel second? DNA mapping? What is the smartest way to safeguard and fortify our bodies and then optimize them?

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drop the CAC test unless you're mid 40s. Takes a while for arteries to calcify. Quarterly bloodwork and DNA test is the move. Supplement to optimize biomarkers and genetic predispositions. Then whatever other supplements you take can go towards optimizing personal goals. thanks for the article idea

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If you had to choose between an infrared or dry heat sauna for a home which would you choose? Was wondering if one type had superior benefits over the other.

Thank you!

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Dry heat all day

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Is that due to person preference or health reasons like the EMF of infrared?

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Mostly due to the temperature. You get more sweat, more of a cardiovascular workout, and overall more hormetic response (heat shock proteins, neurotrophic factors, endorphins/dynorphins, HGH, etc)

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That said, infrared is better than nothing, but always opt for dry heat when possible.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

Any recommendation for RLS? It is most likely caused by low dopamine levels . I've been struggling with it some nights or even in the evening when I'm just sitting . Tried Magnesium Glycinate / L-Threonate , didn't help much . Maybe I wasn't consistent enough with them .Thinking of trying 9-ME-BC next . I'd appreaciate any suggestions , thanks !

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Try the natty stack

150mg p5p twice a day

Vitamin E Mixed tocopherols

2g of L Tyrosine twice a day

Blue lotus tea twice per day

2 Grams of elemental magnesium

Vitamin B complex like Infini B

Vignatex (inhibits enzyme that breaks down vit B)

Rhodiola Rosea

Definitely gonna work. If you really have to take something synthetic Bromantane probably the way to go.

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Started using 5mg Tadalafil EOD about a month ago. I went with Goodrx as you suggest(was fast and cheap). Got started with 5mg every other day supply but want script to take 5mg daily. Probably won’t use it 7 days per week (5/7) to have a mini cycle and if anything make it last a bit longer. Any advice with getting them to prescribe 5mg/day or more? Can I just tell them I want it upped to 5mg/day prescription? Or do I have to play the game talking about ED symptom improvements/lack thereof in order to get them to up the dosage? Any advice would be much appreciated, I don’t dabble in prescriptions very much so don’t know what to say/what not to say to achieve the goal. Thanks!

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Just tell them it doesn't work unless you take 5mg every day. They'll be chill about it.

Or tell them you have terrible ED and need 20 and cut your pills in quarters (SWIM does that hahaha)

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Haha nice, thanks for the intel brother.

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Week 4 on 200mg/ week test- consume little to no sugar/sodium with a middle eastern diet (lots of protein and vegetables) I’m 225, stronger than ever, but super bloated in the face. E2 levels a lil high so starting low dose AI- anything else help with the puffiness?

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You should track your sodium. You need to have salt to make those sweet sweet gains. See this article for more info https://bowtiedbiohacker.com/p/transform-your-body-in-less-than

Moon face is likely the estradiol. Probably don't need more than 25mg aromasin or 1mg arimadex per week, but could likely need even half of that. Start low, crashed e2 is a terrible existence.

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Good man, thank you for all your value across platforms 👏🏽

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Adex will probably be a little too strong for your needs. Are you using DIIM?

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Is metformin a suitable replacement for berberine in the stack to improve lipids?

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Are you still doing 1 on 1 consults? I've tried booking through your five link the past few days but am unable to. If not what would be the best way to get your feedback on blood work/trt protocol?

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Hi late question here.. I purchased ghk-cu 50mg.. how much bac water would I use .. I have a 1ml insulin syringe.. also how about dosages .. thank you

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Apologies if you’ve posted about this before (please send the link if you have), but what would be your go to stack for an intense learning phase? Memory retention / focus. Thank you.

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depends on risk tolerance and what you're willing to take

Dream stack? MAOI, Cerebrolysin, Donepezil, Semax, Selank, CDP Choline, Alpha GPC, pregnenolone, microdosed dexedrine

Regular OTC stack?

4' DMA, CDP Choline, Bacopa Monieri, Lion's Mane, Alpha GPC, Polygala, Gingko Biloba, Huperzine A

Throw in Vignatex & Sabroxy 3 times. a week on intensive study days

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Hi. Do you have any diet/nutrition recommendations for a teenage girl that needs lose about 50 pounds? Thanks in advance for your expertise and thoughts.

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What are your fiber recommendations when on a cutting diet? Seems to help curb hunger but also can overdo it with bloating

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What do you recommend mixing the Mirror Skin copper elixir with to apply to your hair?

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Can I mix methylene blue with SEMAX and SELANK ?

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50yrs, lean, lifting 5x/week, cardio 3x/week - on TRT.

98 CAC and mild atherosclerosis.

5mg rosuvastatin and 2 baby aspirin morning+evening currently, may add ezetimibe on next follow up.

CVD reversal stack:

12,000CFU Nattokinase

1000mg citrus bergamot

500mg berberine

2000-4000mg vitamin C + 2000mg lysine + 1000mg proline (Pauling stack)

Koncentrated K complex (5mg K1, 25mg MK-4, 0.5mg MK-7).


5000IU vitamin D3

Anything to add or remove?

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