how upregulate gaba receptors? thank you

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Cut out Alcohol and GABA drugs entirely

Balance GABA/glutamate (magnesium acetyl taurate, magnesium chloride, l-theanine, lemon balm, gotu kola, magnolia bark)

Avoid stims

Manage chronic stress

Fix diet (1:1 to 1:3 omega 3 to 6 fatty acids) & make sure you're getting ALL micronutients

Support neurogenesis (whole lions mane, black seed oil, bacopa monieri)

Perhaps some selank

Perhaps some fascoracetam

Get DHT >100ng/dl

Keep estradiol, cortisol and DHEA in range

Daily cardio


Longterm dedication to a lifestyle like this or rely on alcohol and drugs forever

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Is eating at maintenance 6 days a week then just fasting one day an okay idea to cut? Or would the results be better just doing a regular daily calorie deficit?

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daily deficit

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What is your opinion on calcium scans? I’m 40 and my dad had angina in his early 60s and had a stent placed. Is it worth the radiation at this point or should I wait until I’m older?

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I'd wait til i was a bit older maybe 45-50

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Did some bloods because of low libido/high refractory period.


Prolactin 169 mIU/L

Oestradiol 141 pmol/L

Testosterone 23.8 nmol/L

SHBG re-std. 39 nmol/L

Free Testost. 478 pmol/L

Pl.Cortisol(AM) 586 nmol/L (Time collect. 09:15)

Any suggestions based on bloods?

Some more info (at the time of blood test): 5ft10, 81kg, ~23% BF, lift weights 4/week, cardio 2/week, sleep ~7-8 hrs, used to sometimes get sun at the time of these blood tests.

I already started taking sun regularly since a bunch of people here suggested it a couple weeks ago.


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Is there any weight to doing regular “deworming”? Or is it just a fad?

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What’s the best solution for loose skin, post pregnancy?

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Saw a Tweet with you and Illimitable Man a while ago talking about 100-150mg Provrion/day for 3-4 weeks will deepen voice when under 25.

Interested in doing this. What's the starting to point to learn more about Proviron, and do you have any warnings or information specific to this stack you think are important to know? I've seen Tweets from you in the past mention that Proviron sucks compared to DHT and bad for longevity.


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Is it really risky to pin your quads? I’ve read differing reports. I pin my T subq daily, but for larger volume injections like l-carn I’d like somewhere pin besides my glutes. Thanks

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Hahaha so depends on who you are. My doctor and nurse friends pin their quads without second guessing, Me? I stay TF away from my legs hahaha. For L Carn i just do glutes and ventro glutes. That's a good 4 sites to rotate through.

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Emoxypine, Noopept, caffeine, Alpha GPC and Uridine, is what Vigorous Steve recommends for optimizing hand eye coordination.

What would you add to completely max this out

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It starts with a 1:1 omega 3:6 ratio, whole megadosed lions mane, and nigella sativa oil supplementation because you can't optimize any aspect of cognition with brain inflammation and a lack of neurogenesis/plasticity

Then you'd want to be choline sufficient, which can be tricky to acquire through diet so CDP choline is great for that, takes care of uridine as well

Phenylpiracetam knocks noopept out of the park btw

Caffeine is cool but Dynamax is likely better

Alpha GPC is great if used sparingly like 2-3x per week

Bromantane is an even better adaptogen than emoxypine, but also a dopaminergic which the VS stack lacks (dopamine is very important for motor function)

Adamax provides another layer of neruogenesis and dopaminergic enhancement

Finally, sabroxy or oroxilyn a, like alpha gpc, is good if used sparingly like 2-3x per week

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What's your take on baking soda as a supplement? Saw some ppl recommend it for sleep or for inflammation, cortisol reduction.

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Administration of Bicarbonate Protects Mitochondria, Rescues Retinal Ganglion Cells, and Ameliorates Visual Dysfunction Caused by Oxidative Stress


Don't really have a take on it since I haven't tried it. It seems like a good experiment though, just be mindful of sodium consumption.

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Is brain cancer a risk when taking Semax (asking because my sister died from brain cancer), I want to use it to focus on boring tasks.

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none of the data from the research or clinical trials suggests there's a risk

perhaps if you have an existing brain tumor it can accelerate growth, but I'm not even sure about that

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Would alpha gpc be safe for daily use stacked with cdp choline ?

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It'll stop working if used daily

I keep it to like twice a week

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Why do you recommend only 1g of Oral L-Carnitine per meal and what time frame between meals do you suggest so you can get in 5-6g of Oral L-Carnitine. Thank you.

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More than that won't be utilized and will go to waste

If you're going to have 5 meals then space 2-3 hrs apart

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Based on your recommendation I started to run high protein diet few months ago and it has been ansolute game changer for me in every aspect.

But I was told it may increase uric acid and so on so I did bloodwork and the acid is in range but urea is above the range (9 nmol/l)

Whats your opinion on this?

I would ignore it but recently I have experiencing big tiredness - feels like adrenal fatique as I had it many years ago + really low dopamin.

Everything should be dialed in as I havent changed anything besides I have been in surplus finally after longer cut and havent had any kind of fatique for years.

So I am wondering what could be causing this.

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You could have adrenal fatigue from a prolonged caloric deficit, stim use, chronic stress, etc should get a DUTCH test

How much protein are you eating?

How long have you been a surplus?

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I have been eating 200-230 most of days. 176 pounds

I ve been in surplus for 2 weeks. About 500cals surplus

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How much weight have you gained?

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Probably wanna drop protein by 50g a day ;) surplus is probably not 500. Could need more

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About 2.5-3kg

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I am looking for the best long-term supplements to take to improve brain function (memory, recall, processing ability). I know caffeine, nicotine and other stimulants can work short-term but interested in what works best long-term.

Saw this thread on CBD (https://x.com/chillindylanx/status/1824125810036679149?t=acPyU_2ObBCbNkU37YhGKw) and found it fascinating that he said CBD crystalline isolate "helped improve my short term memory drastically".

What are your thoughts on CBD in general and on taking CBD crystalline isolate? Would love a longer thread on CBD if warranted. Thanks!

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CBD is hardly the best supplement for this. Maybe he had a messed up endocannabinoid system from weed abuse (probably) and it resolved some brain inflammation for him

Megadosed whole lions mane, bacopa monieri, nigella sativa oil, CDP choline, and most importantly fixing your diet to resolve brain inflammation is going to be the actual best solution IMO

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I’ve found out that get gyno symptoms from taking a ~2mg microdose of enclomiphene just one single time. I guess I’m a hyper-aromatizer, particularly intratesticularly. Btw I’m not fat, about 13% body fat with veins on the side of my stomach. Do you really think getting extremely lean would fix this? If I started TRT with hCG, I guess lots of exemestane or a DHT compound are a must, would you agree?

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I don't believe you lmaooo

It either wasn't enclomiphene or eas way more than 2mg

You gotta realize that 6.25mg is the "safe" dose they give obese dudes

You did not get gyno symptoms from 1/3 of that

Guys at 13% bodyfat are taking 12.5 to 25mg per day bruv

So no, I don't have a reason to believe you hyperaromatize, i believe you either took way more than 2mg or it wasn't enclomiphene at all

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I took less than an eighth of a 25mg tab from deus medical which is tested by Janoshik. Should be legit. I also noticed water retention on my ankles so I’m sure E2 was high.

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Bro that's an underground lab. Just because they sent 1 sample into janoshik and it passed doesn't mean the stuff you got was legit.

You're describing edema, which is pretty sketchy and not indicative of a transient increase in e2. Besides, 2mg is truly nothing even for hyperaromatizers. Plus, high e2 symptoms don't manifest like that in one day. You could have been munching on 50mg dbols and it would take a few days to get the bloat and burning nips.

Idk what you took, but trash that shit. I ran this by several other experts and they all agree lmao.

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I noticed the sensitive nipples the day after I took enclomiphene, which gradually got worse. Then another day later I took 12.5mg of exemestane (same source) which eliminated my symptoms over night.

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(same source) logic is because 1 product is "good" the others must be

that's not how UGLs work

Also that's not how exemestane works lmao. it's a suicidal aromatase inhibitor which means it takes a while to build up in your system

If you were in gyno territory of e2, a single dose of 12.5mg of exemestane would not at all resolve the high e2, that's almost as ridiuclous as the single 2mg dose of enclomiphene causing gyno

I get that people have varying sensitivities, I've worked with over 1000 at this point, this goes beyond that. your source is trash/some of this was in your head/prolactin issues/all of the above

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I know myself it seems ridiculous. I’m the same guy who told you weeks ago about getting sensitive nipples from modafinil and phenylpiracetam. Maybe I just got the worlds most fucked gyno genetics idk.

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