hi BTB. got too high cortisol during the day and almost no tolerance to stress. like running on cortisol everyday as a fuel (grimhood got a thread on that topic) . Like mini cycles: spiking cortisol and hyperactive mind -> then complete exhaustion for some hours->repeat . Gaba boosters either makes me drawsy or too mild. Looking for some adaptogenic herb to add to my stack which is NON stimulative cuz got anxiety from all kind of stimulants. In the past tried with ashwa sensoril which worked but i stopped it because of the negatives.

Current stack daily: 700mg elemental MgGl , 2g Taurine

benfothiamine 50mg , Vit C 1-2g

Holy basil + Gotu Kola 3x1 . Magnolia bark 400-600mg

Diet is good ,a lot of sun and do some exercises

Dont feel improvement from this current stack. Need something strong to blunt cortisol. Thank you

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Low intesnity Steady State Cardio


If you don't do 5x weekly minimum, you'll always have excess stress because humans are meant to be active and you won't have the proper neurochemistry regulation

Why not 1g+ elemental? Why no magnesium acetyl taurate which is superior for stress.



https://nootropicsdepot.com/l-theanine-free-form-powder/?afmc=BIOHACKER10 (600mg to 1.2g doses)

Peptide option:


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How do you go about finding a reputable team of doctors to support your experimentation? Do you seek them out through local hospital systems/college health systems or independent practices?

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They're usually at independent practices. I've built my rolodex of based medical professionals over the years through seeking my own healthcare treatment, but also through networking.

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I've been reading more from Grim's X feed about seasonal eating and how light plays a role in food in the location it's grown in...

1) If I'm in NC and strawberries are in season, does that mean consuming strawberries grown elsewhere (like California) is violating the rule of eating locally/seasonally or with light environment in mind?

2) Do you think getting 30 minutes of morning sunlight exposure prior to eating make any difference in metabolism?

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1) Ask grim because I personally eat strawberries WHENEVER THE FUCK I WANT and have zero issues hahaha.

2) As far as calories burned? Eh. Not really. Doesn't matter if get it before or after eating as long as you get it.

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What are your principles and tools for supreme gut health (lifestyle practices and supps)? What brand mag chloride do you use in your water?

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I follow this and it's so easy I don't even have to think about it:

1) construct your diet around foods that digest quick, don't cause gas or bloating and cover your micronutrients needs

2) no alcohol (I drink 2 or 3x a year)

3) do not consume artificial sweeteners daily or gut problems are guaranteed. The less the better. Don't need to completely eliminate

4) that monthly 48 hr fast is a great reset

5) take oral bpc whenever I eat stuff that's bad for my gut, spicy food, or break a fast.

6) stay away from NSAIDs and proton pump inhibitors

7) eat your veggies to offset acid load from fruits and high protein diet

8) once ur healthy u can get away with anything

9) I mostly get probiotics from yogurt

And as far as mag chloride goes, I use generic bulk food grade mag chloride. No need to overpay

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Apr 28Liked by BowTied Biohacker

I appreciate your advice as always 🙌🏻

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Ways to fight Gynecomastia as someone who’s at 7-8% BF. Can’t shake off the puffy nips.

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Fix the high estradiol or prolactin

Stop touching your nips

Should help a lot

If not, surgery

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Are there any negative side effects to taking balck seed oil that you might have experienced because I started taking it for overall health. I started with 1 tbsp a day on an empty tomach on the morning and I think I got constipation from it as a side effect. Should I lower the dosage to 1 tsp, for additional context im 5'7 133 lbs.

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Okay - you can try lowering it, but I don't think it's possible to get constipation from it and it's likely something else

If you lower it and it doesn't resolve, there's your answer

If it does resolve, still could be a coincidence, so go back to a tbsp eventually and see what happens

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Apr 28Liked by BowTied Biohacker

got it thanks for the advice

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I used to take black seed oil, pills and gummies and I got constipated each time. Not extremely, but noticable

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How do you split injectable l carnitine into multiple doses from an ampoule?

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Talking like a 5mL ampule?

I draw the whole thing into a 5cc syringe (or twice through a 3cc) and put it into a 5mL sterile vial from amazon


I also use these syringe filters when doing this to make sure what goes into the sterile vial doesn't have micro shards of glass or bacteria in it


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What is the best way to run a stack of ghk-cu, tb500, and bpc157 over the course of a year? How long to run each and how often to take a break? Dealing with a connective tissue disorder and really need to boost my collagen and heal old injuries. Thanks for your help.

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GHK-CU is a year round peptide

BPC-157 has been prescribed year round, but usually gets the job done in 8 weeks or so

TB-500 usually works quicker. A vial is 10mg and a standard dose is usually 2.5mg every 3 days. Usually 1 vial does the trick, sometimes 2 or 3 needed.

You basically go off results. Diet in slight surplus, micronutrient sufficiency, and collagen excess is mandatory. Peptides won't work well without the building blocks. Vitamin C supplementation also enhances collagen synthesis, so great to take a few times per day.

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best black seed oil(s) on the market?

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Apr 30Liked by BowTied Biohacker

Never- unfortunately. NEED MOOORRRR!

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Can we do this again?

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Wife is deficient in magnesium and it's causing an eye lid twitch. What's the vest magnesium to target nerves?

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Is it better to take tadalafin first think in the morning, or before workout? Taking 5mg per day right now.

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Half life is so long doesn't make a difference

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First of all - the fat loss post, super guide PT 1, and daily routine are all great posts to reference and come back to. They've definitely helped me formulate current stack and routine. In the past week I started zone 2 cardio every other day, L carnitine, and 250g+ protein daily and already noticed significant difference.

Current - 29yo Male, 6'0", 205lbs, probably about 20-25% bodyfat. Decently strong and have muscle mass, but not "jacked" and have fat to lose.

Goals - Get to sub 15% BF, build more muscle, improve cognitive ability (said everyone ever).

Current Stack - 1g L-Carnitine 3-4x (taken with meals), 1200mg Fish Oil daily, Animal Pak daily (to fill gaps), 400mg Mag Glycinate (1H before bed), 200mg Theanine (1H before bed), Alpha GPC and Chorella taken randomly like 1x a week.

Wondering your thoughts on stack and just general advice to achieve more shredded look. Current macro goals 275g P, 138g C, 61g F, but usually fall a bit short on protein. Thanks!

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If by falling short on protein you mean less than 200g per day, then you're wasting your time and need to change something. Dabble with different recipes until you find something you can prep quickly, eat often, and digest well and just run with that.

Animal Pak isn't a great multi vitamin for the money. Here's what I'd do:

Log your food on cronometer ( because you should be anyways) and find where the nutrient deficiencies still are

Try to resolve with food, but if not supplement with the individual nutrients in their best most bioavailable forms

Most of the stuff in that are unnecessary btw

Honestly the number 1 thing is patience. Get a DEXA scan. It will change your life. You'll be able to know exactly how much you need to lose and how much time it's going to take with simple calorie deficit math.

As fat as how to achieve a more shredded look? There's no secrets besides PEDs haha! Just get lean without losing your muscle (keep the protein high and weight training frequent)

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Super helpful thanks for the long answer.

Yea in the past I would tell myself 150g P is good enough. Even just 2 weeks going near 250g P I've noticed a massive difference. Will try out what you mentioned and follow up when I hit 15% BF in next few months.

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Hello Bowtied,thanks for the previous answers.

1. For the supplements listed in anti aging and summer season shred, are they suitable for females? If not, cam you suggest me alternatives

2. Would you recommend just lycopene or a mixture of Astaxanthin + lycopene? (Terra elmnt store on amazon)

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Yeah, absolutely suitable for females. Nothing there specific to male biology.

2: I do not know of that brand so all I can recommend is Life Extension because of their long reputation for quality and integrity

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Q1) Been doing AM cardio every day for the last few weeks and feeling great but I haven’t been doing my usual resistance training.

The 30min cardio is now a non negotiable for me… If I also follow something like your PPL program, would you recommend adjusting it at all to avoid doing too much? I try and recover as best as I can and do things like positional parasympathetic breathing after training but still concerned.

Q2) Can I do the cardio and PPL workouts back to back or do I have to lift later in the day? I know I should probably split it but I don’t really have time to do that.

I’m a 33yo natty with good diet and sleep.

Supp Stack:

I know I need to work on being more regimental and on top of my daily supps. This is a typical week.

Pure Encapsulations B-Complex Plus: 1 capsule p/day

Noots Depot Micro Mag: 400-600mg elemental p/day

Carlson’s fish oil: 1 Tbsp (4.8g EPA & DHA) p/day

Kiki Black Seed oil: 1-2 tsp few times p/wk (I know you rec more)

Sleep combo around 2-3 times per wk:

Inositol: 5g


Last few weeks I have been cycling between 50mg Bromantane & 300mg N-Acetyl Semax/Selank (600mg total) per day 6d/week. How would you recommend me cycling these with breaks?

Goal: I’m a knowledge worker and just want to feel 100% cognitively and be on top of my game with regards to things like executive function. Also trying to max out my biomarkers to help me feel my best. Gym gains are not a huge priority for me right now.

(under a lot of pressure lately so will try adding magnesium acetyl taurate)

As always, really appreciate your help with this.

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1) If you keep it in zone 2 you won't need to adjust anything. Going beyond that you still won't as long as you keep the high intensity cardio to once or twice per week.

2). You don't have to bro, just make sure you keep it in zone 2 if you're gonna lift right after so you're not dumping glycogen. You might also wanna use an intraworkout supplement (one of the few times I recommend it)

Supp stack:

Infini B is better

I'm not a fan at all of micromag, even though I love Nootropics Depot dearly, mag chloride or glycinate is much better

Look into ND or Nordic Naturals for better quality fish oil

If you want to get the most out of it, maybe do bromantane and semax/selank separately

Example: 8 weeks Bromantane + other stuff (Perhaps the limitless stack from Nootropics Depot) Then 8 weeks Semax/Selank + other stuff

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Any issues with combining bromantane with 'stims' like adderall or modafinil. Considering taking a smaller dose of both.

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Adderall and Modafanil shouldn't be in the same category at all. Adderall depletes dopamine and downregulates receptors, bromantane seemingly upregulates dopamine synthesis. You don't want to combine the two.

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