Jun 21Liked by BowTied Biohacker

Around 850ng total T, but about 14ng free T (about 1.5%) - and have read free T *could* be as high as 5% total.

High SHGB and DHEA low end of reference.

Have a pet theory this is why Tribugen "doesn't work" for me.

Any tips to increase Free T - am already taking 10mg Boron, and 1.5g elemental magnesium, and GABA-maxxing supps. Sleep is good, sunlight is good. Don't drink or smoke.

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Have you tried increasing Tribugen dose to 3 caps? Usualy works well then

Question for you: what's your fasting insulin. Are you somewhat of a low carb guy? Chronic low carbs usually ends up elevating SHBG though the roof and crushing free T.


Insulin inhibits SHBG production in the liver. This inhibitory effect is thought to be mediated through IGF-1 and possibly other metabolic pathways

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My bad, that 14.6 free T is supposedly pg/ml which is like 1.46 ng/dL.

Yep have tried 3 caps of Tribugen - it's mildly calming for me, but there's not much drive, motivation, positive aggression which i was expecting

Fasting insulin i actually have no idea - was not on the blood work. I'm not low carb at all, have recently started eating way more fruit-based sugar.

In fact, I mega-dosed thiamine recently and totally eliminated all sugar-cravings which I am not sure plays into this at all.

Before that I was crushing roughly 150-250g haribo per day lol.

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Jun 20Liked by BowTied Biohacker

Hey man! Hope you doin well🔥

I am currently 19 years and I dont feel burning desire to smash women.

I remember when I was 15 my morning wood was solid and I was getting random erections during the day.

Now all of this has disappeared and I feel weak asf.

I eat fairly balanced diet with pretty low carbs & lift weights, don’t watch porn, rarely masturbate, yet my sleep is a bit fucked.

Currently supplement with boron. Open for your recommendations on what to add🫶🏼

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Jun 21Liked by BowTied Biohacker

I recommend a controlled near death experience. Skydiving is probably the lowest risk to reward ratio here.

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Could always get hormones checked.

If you aren't getting much sunlight every day, your body won't produce a-msh which is basically endogenous viagra lol. Could be anything though really. Could be stress you aren't even aware of (the more you think about your lack of wood the less you'll have it), could be nutrient deficiencies (how would you know if you don't log), could be hormones like i mentioned earlier.

Or maybe you've just transcended and realized You don't wanna smash a bunch of hoes and would rather focus on self improvement. That's cool too!

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Dude, I am pretty sure labs are necessary.

Firstly its looks like something is wrong with hormones levels.

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Total T around 650

E2 ~20

Low prolactin

Low cortisol

Low body fat

6 foot / 160 pounds

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Jun 21Liked by BowTied Biohacker

I prefer to do Free T extra + vitamin D to be concern about sun light exposure. Red light therapy. Probably do more cardio/kickboxing just for experiment.

Try PT-141 and observe.

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E2 ultrasensitive or that's the regular e2 test?

If it's regular e2 I guarantee your real e2 is lower

Literally explains it brah

Try taking like 10mg to 25mg of dhea twice per day and that should resolve

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Life Extension’s DHEA is good, G?

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That's what I use

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Jun 20Liked by BowTied Biohacker

Petitioning for a DHT E in the context of bodybuilding thread/post.

Everyone says DHT isn’t anabolic, this is changed by the long ester right? Also functions as an AI similar to primo. When thinking about dosing would you use the same dose as primo in its place?

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10 yrs ago some pros were using DHT no ester and simply pinning it twice per day and it was definitely very anabolic.

The esters are more anabolic, though yes. Shorter esters are very "dry" and long esters like dht undecanoate are reminiscent of boldenone (still kinda dry-ish but very full and 3D like a 1950s superhero fizeek)

As far as DHT being an AI: not like primo AT ALL. It's a terrible AI. You can get gyno if you try to use it like primo haha. It's most just a SERM, AI properties are very weak. What complicates this more is that DHT metabolites like 3b-androstanediol are estrogenic. How anti estrogenic vs pro estrogenic DHT is depends completely on genetics (receptor sensitivity and expression of several diff enzymes, etc)

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Jun 21Liked by BowTied Biohacker

Lmao this is great to know. Thank you.

I’ll ask next week if you don’t feel like answering: how do you think about it in the context of “sports TRT”?

For example, if one uses enough test to get their desired Total + good e2 range would you swap a portion of test for DHT? Or is this in your mind more of a short term blast addition?

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DHT definitely has a place in ALL sports TRT imo, however because of all the reasons I mentioned above: the dose and ratio of test/dht will vary drastically depending on goals & genetics. DHT is the least straightforward exogenous androgen to dabble with LMAO. Primo? Everyone can start with a 1:1 ratio and not have a terrible time. DHT?hahaha good luck. could be 0.5 to 1 to 5 to 1 and that ratio will change depending on your goals and if you are blasting or cruising hahaha.

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You’re a (Uber)mensch.

6 days in at 150/150 wk. Feel great but we’ll see how bloods look in a few.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

I have illeostomy, what could be possible stack for me to complete my requirements ..tried bso on empty stomach cause diarrhoea, magnesium bisglycinate also cause loose stools , now foods super enzymes also cause loose stools...had surgery of sphincter muscles, fistula four months back still has pain and not complete healed .

Has high indirect bilirubin, low ast,alt..also has thalasemia minor

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How risky is it for a girl to take the morning after pill (plan B), multiple time over the span of a few years?

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I've been there before dude. It caused some anovulatory cycles, low progesterone some months, low estrogen other months, and a few very delayed periods. Takes ab out 6-12 months of no Plan B to get back to baseline.

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Jun 24Liked by BowTied Biohacker

You are real as fuck for getting back to me so quick on this one. I appreciate you. Obviously the solution to managing those sides would be covering the basics (nutrition, training, stress management, light environment etc.), what other tools would you incorporate here?

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Thats basically it but alcohol avoidance is another huge one. Alcohol is one of the worst offenders for female hormone balance & fertility. And of course eliminating endocrine disruptors from the house too

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DeanTD mentioned that the lower your body fat percentage, the smaller the percentage of your body weight you should aim to lose each week.

He gave a guideline:

1-1.25% of total bodyweight lost per week if > 20% body-fat

.75-1% if 15-20%

.5-.75% if 10-15%

The reasoning is to preserve more muscle mass.

So far, I don't think I've lost any muscle because most of my lifts have slightly improved since I started the 800-calorie deficit per day. I also consistently consume 1.25 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Is this a legit guide? What’s the reasoning behind this suggested change?

Should I reduce my caloric deficit a bit to match this guide? Thanks

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If you're at an 800 cal deficit and your lifts are going up, but you're still losing about a lb and a half a week, you're good to go!

What dean posted is just a general rule of thumb that works for a lot of people, but this isn't applying to you for many different possible reasons so go with what works!

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Thanks that makes sense.

Only thing is that my last couple of workouts I haven't been able to do the same volume as before. So the slight improvement has been overall since cutting.

I'm around 15.5% BF now.

I think I'll just see how the next couple of sessions go, if it declines I'll go with a light deficit, I'm not racing although I wished for a shorter time period on deficit.

Or maybe carb cycling can help? I've been just steady low calories high protein for now.

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Are there any peptides that help with pain management specifically in the realm of fibromyalgia ?

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Semax/Selank look promising

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Do you know of any gum that doesn’t have artificial sweeteners or seed oils, and doesn’t lose its taste in 10 seconds?

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Jun 22Liked by BowTied Biohacker

Yes bro Lucy Gum! Super clean testing I write about them in my newsletter. Lucy.co

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Haha nah, doesn't really exist

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Heh brother. Just need some advice on testosterone for a 42 year old.

Just got my bloods back and it's highlighting the following:

- Testosterone 10.7 nmol/L - in range, but on the low side

- Free Testosterone 365 pmol/L - in range but on the low side

- SHBG 8 nmol/L - low

- DHEA-S 2.7 UMOL/L - low

Any tips on how to increase testosterone and some of the above markers?


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1) Lose fat, become legit 12% bodyfat confirmed with DEXA

2) Lift weights at least 4x a week

3) Spend at least 15m in the sun during the morning, afternoon, and evening

4) Get 500mg of dietary cholesterol per day and around 60g total dietary fats

5) Engage in a competetive activity regularly

6) Fall asleep before midnight daily

7) Avoid plastics as much as possible, use natural soap, deodorant, toothpaste, etc

8) Avoid processed foods, stuff that comes in packages, literally keep it to meat + stuff that comes directly from the ground 80-90% of the time

9) Don't watch porn

or TRT lol

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Thanks brother.

I'm probably around 18-20% body fat, so have to work on that.

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Preferred source or type of protein powder? Whey, casein, egg white etc.. ?

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Egg white

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Beef Protein. Paul Saladino just dropped a super bioavailable protein. Otherwise I use really clean grass fed whey from Kion. I write about protein powders on my newsletter

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Gonna do a test e cycle. 350mg a week so 50mg per day. Want to use this as a moderate dose also because I work a ton of hours at a restaurant and as a bouncer as well as going to the gym 6x week. Any potential sides? How long do you think I should take for? PCT? Wanted to use this because testosterone is far more safe than sarms

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I don't like cycles. PCT is harsh on your body and you'll lose most of your gains. 350 is also a little too much. 300/ week max is best IMO. Most people need an AI at that dose unless you're already lean af (10% bf or less, doubt it), you ready to have high e2 symptoms? Won't be fun lol. Blast and cruise is the only way to go IMO, you should really rethink your strategy here.

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Is your hair restoration protocol supposed to be taken continuously forever? Or are you supposed to cycle off some/all the compounds at some point?

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If I cared about hair loss that much then I'd run it all the time

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My mom is 59 and has started claiming about arthirtis in her hands recently. I recommended Black Seed Oil but want to ask what would be your protocol for alleviating? I thought that arthritis is inflamation so BSO, eliminating processed food, etc. Thank you!

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Yeah BSO is great, elimination of processed foods + elimination diet to eliminate inflammatory triggers is good + 1:1 to 1:3 Omega 3 to 6 ratio is GOATed so nordic naturals fish oil supp could come in handy + BPC caps have been hearing great things about those

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My lab results had my Cholesterol, total at 201 and my non-HDL cholesterol at 139. I might have fucked up by accidentally eating a bite or two of meat the morning of the test when I should have been fasted, however, I am surprised I got those two items flagged.

Cholesterol, total the top of the safe range is 200 and non-HDL is 130.

Should I be concerned at all?

I eat very clean year-round and I exercise routinely. Not really sure what I can change to live healthier. Thoughts?

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You're looking at the wrong values IMO.

What's LDL and HDL? Better yet, what's ApoB?

Does that matter if your HS-CRP is good, Homocysteine good, Blood Pressure good, Stress low? Might not.

Only other question I have for you is have you checked out my lipid stack? https://x.com/BowTiedUM/status/1686804864280522771

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Anything other than stretching and topical betametazone for phimosis? Improvment is significant but still long way to go

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Obviously avoiding the surgical route right? No, it just takes time. I have a feeling fasting could potentially speed up the results, but not sure.

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Hi, since last year i have a lot of 'air hunger' , a blood test showed that my cells were stuck together (like pancakes) and not getting enough oxygen. When i measure with pulsemeter, O2 levels are good. They advised me to take nattokinase. I saw grimhood also post something about copper for air hunger. My copper levels are low, around 1.5mg/day (cronometer) so i start taking 30g dark chocolate (85%)

I do 2-3x cardio zone 2. Also started with buteyko breathing exercises.

Open for your recommendations.

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Have you considered allergies/mold/anxiety all of which could cause this sensation as well (since O2 is normal) How's magnesium intake? Any L-theanine? Lemon balm, gotu kola, and magnolia bark could all help if it's anxiety. Black Seed Oil could help with the allergies/mold/general lung capacity, but if it is that you're in need of enviromental changes.

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