May 20Liked by BowTied Biohacker

Yo first I wanted to say your “A Day in the Life” post inspired tf out of me. I’ve been consistently hittin 6 days of Z2 and 3+ days of lifting a week on a caloric deficit for a month now, so thank you for that

I intermittent fast most days for the focus. I have a cup of coffee as well. But come lunchtime it seems that no matter what I eat, the food goes right through me.

These are usually 700, maybe 800 cal meals (grilled chix, spinach, lentils, salsa). I’m wondering if it would help to take a digestive enzyme daily whenever I break this intermittent fast? Or is there something to look out for that I may be overlooking?

This is really only an issue when I eat after 16+ hours of fasting

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Great to hear bro!

This usually happens after longer fasts. I personally use oral bpc 30 mins before breaking my fast to prevent

What you might need to do is have a light meal with easily digestible foods (ie eggs, rice, yogurt)

All those vegetables and fibers probably irritating your gut and triggering the reflex

Longterm you wanna probably do an elimination diet and get rid of trigger foods

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Hi not sure if this is illegal but where can I source quality bpc-157 injectable, I’m seeing places on Reddit but if you have a recommendation I’d be stoked to know thanks

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limitlesslifenootropics.com with coupon code BOWTIED for 15%

Best source for research purposes in the game IMO

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Had a terrible week of eating. I'm about to go on a 72 hour fast, followed by a couple days of modified protein sparring, then get back into normal eating. What's the best way to minimize muscle loss during this fast? Anything I should take? Gonna take an electrolyte blend, creatine, anything else?

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You're overthinking this.

You're not going to lose ANY muscle

Okay you will, but if you refeed with high carb, low fat and hit the gym hard the following week after you break your fast, you'll put it all back on and maybe some more

Main thing imo isnot doing a 72 hr fast more than once a month.

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Or will muscle loss be so minimal im over thinking?

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On another note, I met an older guy who spent a lot of time in his youth in the job trying to get big/lifting.

He said he got too big for his frame and wishes he didn't lift so much.

Now he has a lot of pain and difficulty sleeping because of injuries and size like bigger shoulders

Any others experience this/any way to hedge against this?

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I'd do this:

- Shrink down

- Stop lifting heavy

- Go to physical therapy (talk to Bowtied Kobra or Bengal)

- Get on HRT: high T, high as tolerable e. this will regenerate joints/promote colalgen synthesis

- Run injectable bpc for 8-12 weeks, oral indefinitely afterwards

- Run injectable ghk indefinitely

- Perhaps HGH or HGH peptides to get igf-1 to a comfy 3-400 to promote healing

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Hey BTB, I had a couple of friends (in mid 20s and 30s) diagnosed with cancer recently.

I've seen BowTied Biohacking talk about getting tested annually.

BTB is there anything else you'd recommend here aside from your tweet:


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What are the best ways/supps to naturally increase DHT and free T, my free T is only 1,6% of Total T (I guess it should be over 2% ideally right?) Besides obviously getting under 10% BF.

And how significant change one can expect?

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Basically just increase free T and reduce aromatization to estradiol.

The bodyfat will take care most of it. Don't get under 10%, not healthy for a natty. Stick with a true 10 to 12%

You could try tribugen from nootropics depot, maybe some boron, cistamax, dioscorea.

You could try L Carnitine to unregulate androgen receptors. Even though that won't increase DHT, it'll increase the effect of your DHT

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Thanks for a great reply as allways💪🏼

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I am curious of your opinions, incite and/or experience on what researchers of the past and current literature call "peptide bioregulators"... basically, from what I understand, the word "peptide" simply refers to a sequence of amino acids organized in a certain order/configuration connected to one another through peptide bonds.

There is this niche part of the supplement/longevity/biohacking ecosystem I have been reading into online that markets their products/research as "bioregulators" because they are much shorter chains (2-4 amino acids long is common) of amino acids bonded together when compared to commonly known synthetic peptides (often times more than 10 aminos in the sequence) in western culture like BPC157/TB500/etc...Further, there is not really a clear consensus on terminology/classification here but I figured referring to both natural and synthetic peptide bio regulators as bio regulators would be something you have already heard of and know about.

given that, as I said above any experience/knowledge you have of them (potential benefits & risks) I would be interested to hear about as information is sparse about them and also I am curious of another question...

what is the relationship between a peptide's length and the surface area of its observed treatment? where surface area is very badly defined as how universally vs specifically it treats the body/organ/organism its administered to. also any relationships you are aware of with regard to peptide length I would be interested to learn about as well.

a more concrete description related to this question would be for example oral administration of some di-peptide or tri-peptide sequence vs something like oral administration of BPC which is a sequence of 15 aminos...of course this becomes more nuanced based on the delivery method of the drug and so on but hopefully you get the idea :)

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Bioregulators aren't as well studied, and the term is kind of made up. GHK has always been a tripeptide, but under this new definition some people in the biohacking space are pushing, it'd be a "bioregulator"

My question for you is does it really matter?

Re: peptide length - it doesn't seem to matter. I guess you can say longer peptides generally interact with more proteins, but not always the case

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Bought some black seed oil from meraki medicinals. What are the benefits to be expected from this supplement?

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Hey man just how harmful would you say PMO is for the brain? This is something i've struggled with for most of my life and I am determined to remove this toxic habit. Could you share your experiences/benefits you've noticed after quitting? Thanks!

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It's as bad if not worse than a hardcore cocaine addiction.

It's impossible for it to not ruin your life

Right now you're operating on as low as 1% of your potential. Maybe 10% MAX

Quitting is how you'll reach 100%

Usually takes 3 months. Sometimes less, sometimes more

Doing the other positive lifestyle and nutrition stuff I discuss on here will speed up recovery and amplify the benefits

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Thanks for this. I understand the benefit on cutting out porn completely, have struggled with some relapses in my experience but on a good path now. Do you have any thoughts on the M and O of this question ? Is masturbation on its own an issue ? In my experience I feel good abstaining from both but after a few weeks I find myself needing to relive the pipes. Is this something most would benefit from pushing past ?

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What's your opinion on the efficacy on Nootbro's Notable supplement? Looking for something to boost dopamine that can be taken nearly daily or close too. ( can take weekend off easily so 5~ days a week.) Do you think based on formulation it would have any sort of impact? Safety of daily use? (starting a new job soon need to try and max out attention and focus for a couple months.)

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The main ingredient sabroxy is great at increasing dopamine, but its effects will diminish if used that frequently. 3x a week is best.

What I'd personally do (not medical advice) is take bromantane daily and my limitless stackhttps://twitter.com/BowTiedUM/status/1610055867293995011 3-4 days per week. Maybe eventually try to include semax and selank to see if there's additional benefits.

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On TRT, got bloods checked and my DHEA is low. My provider recommended DHEA 10mg per day. What benefit will it bring? Is there any negative to taking it? Thanks

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DHEA will increase mood, energy, libido and cognition if done right

I'd probably go with 10 to 12.5mg twice per day because the half life is short

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No sunscreen + tretinoin all good if sun exposure not too long and gradually work up to it? Been using tretinoin and sunscreen for a few years now but thinking of dropping the sunscreen unless in sun for long periods

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Yea I don't think either are great personally.

I'd focus on building a solar callus. Means you need to get the whole spectrum (morning, mid day, sunset) while avoiding excess blue light

Sun exposure should gradually increase so you get tan but not burnt

Always cover up or get in some shade if you've been out longer than you can handle

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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Great wanted to ask about this topic too.

Whats the problem with sunscreens that don't have harmful chemicals?I stared using it daily since bowtied fawn talked about it.

Is there any that you'd use if exposed more to the?sun? Isn't accelerate skin aging a concern?

It seems like Ppl who are on sun a lot age faster.

I used to be hard core against suncream. Now trying to find out what's best overall for health and longevity/youthfulness.

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zinc oxide is cool

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I’ve rarely ever been able to orgasm during sex, got hooked on porn from a very young age(24 now). I’ve reduced usage considerably and working on quitting. Erection quality is great and get random boners all the time, I can get and stay up with a woman but just can’t finish. Best practices and timeline to resolve?

Androgens are very high(natural) but so is my prolactin: 22.6 ng/mL. Currently taking Vitamin E(800 iu), P5P(100-200 mg), Schisandra(950 mg), Mucuna(500mg) EOD, Zinc(15mg)/Oysters to lower the prolactin

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The hard truth you might not want to hear but need to: You'll continue to have this problem until you quit COMPLETELY anywhere from 1 to 6 months (3 is average)

If you start again, the problem will come back and you'll have to go through the recovery process ALL OVER AGAIN so don't lol

Good luck!

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Low EQ on morning wood, as well as no random erections throughout the day, how to fix this?

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Any time someone says this my answer is quit porn and masturbation. Should take a few months before it resolves. Other than that, maybe prolactin is high or e2 is low/high and you can confirm that with bloodwork.

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Thank you man

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My understanding is that adding DHT E to a TRT+ or cycle is to increase total AA load (and increase strength, fat loss, cosmetic effect, etc). Does DHT E behave more like primo in that it reduces estrogen or mast where its a neutral?

Not medical advice but was thinking of adding 50-100mg DHT E (weekly) to my weekly 200mg Test Cyp (pinning daily). Would you let me know if I am redacted?

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I'm almost positive all the DHT E being sold online is fake. I wouldn't do it.

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Do you think there will be a big break through in life span extension in the next couple decades?

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We're living it right now

All the info is out there. It's basically a hollistic approach and living as naturally as possible + supplementing what's missing from the modern environment + peptides + HRT + other cool compounds.

As far as biotech goes? I can see gene therapy and organ cloning taking off in a few decades, which could have people living well past 100. Won't be accessible to the average person though.

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