I've been on TRT for 6 months after spending 1 year trying to resolve low T levels (300-400). Ate 90%+ whole foods, 4 days/week Z2, 3 days a week strength training, great sleep, worked hard towards a wifi biz, but still no improvement. Had very low libido, which is what prompted me to go down the TRT route
6 months later and libido is great, T levels (and rest of bloods) look good, and I have energy again! Though I do have a more stationary job and am less active than before, but still hit the gym 3-4x/week
The problem though is my insatiable appetite. I cannot stop thinking about food and look forward to it every moment. It's never been like this before, restraint used to be much easier than it is now.
I've done a multi-day fast and it was absolutely brutal. I thought the appetite issue would be resolved by now, but it's still raging and negatively affecting my body composition (20% BF vs. around 12% pre-TRT)
Total T: 700 ng/dL
Free T: 18 pg/mL
Estradiol: 23.5 pg/mL
Currently running:
Test Cyp: 150mg - 3x/week
HCG: 250 IU - 3x/week
1) Have you seen any instances of people able to reverse this in any way?
2) I'm thinking of reducing or even eliminating HCG for a little bit to see if that helps - is this a prudent decision or is that off-base?
3) Is there anything I should focus on optimizing that could help the appetite issue?
Has nothing to do with the HRT and everything to do with your bodyfat and insulin resistance
Get fasted insulin bloodwork and hba1c. Guarantee its too high, signifying insulin resistance which is going to trigger insatiable hunger cravings. Unfortunately you do need to suffer some brutal hunger to get back to baseline. Cut back down to 12% (confirm with dexa) and preferably on a low carb diet with some fasting thrown in to resensitize insulin receptors faster
I know you didn't ask me but have you looked at BTBio's Fat Loss article? Some of the peptides could be extremely useful for lab rats in your situation (although checking the insulin/hba1c is the #1 thing as BTBio stated)
Thanks Po yea I'll be revisiting that (and some high protein recipes) for some additional tips. I've no problem losing weight, just really need to settle into the mindset since it seems to require 5x the focus it used to. I would be absolutely stoked to see if insulin resistance is the culprit
I (and many others) could really benefit from a deep dive on lowering SHBG and when all options are exhausted and TRT is called for.
Low(15%BF), donate blood regularly, 750-800 total T, 7.5 to 13.5 (multiple tests) free T. SHBG has been going from 45 to 55 over the past 18 months (across 3 tests).
What's the next step - Cameron Max Clinic/SERMs? TRT? feel like i've done everything
Are you sure you're even 15%? Most vastly underestimaye
15 isn't low anyways. If you don't have a chiseled 6 pack (10 to 12%) you could easily be aromatizing too much
Confirm with a dexa. Get leaner and e2 will come down bringing SHBG with it. Your total T isn't bad at all. Also are you doing keto/carnivore/low carb? Can take 6 to 12 months for SHBG to return to baseline after extended low carb dieting. Being natty isn't easy! But id never go with enclo monotherapy personally
I have a 4 pack, some visceral fat over bottom 2 abs. might even be 17-18% BF.
-No Keto/low-carb/carnivore
It's crazy that body fat is the issue rather than something else going on though...I'm 30 rn, at 25 I was like 25-27% BF but felt super high T (endless energy, high libido, way more confident in spite of looking better now lol)
I'll get a dexa at some point. SHBG is kinda frustrating because it's getting progressively worse in spite of lowering iron, using Boron/TA and being less fat than i was previously
Do you like the electrolyte mix for LMNT or would you prefer a different ratio and different magnesium source? Would mixing it with 3-5g of creatine enhance hydration as well?
All you really need for rehydration is sodium and maybe some magnesium
The amount depends on you as an individual. Diet, activity, temperature, sweating, how your body processes electrolytes, etc so everyone needs different amountss
My favorite electrolyte blend is sea salt, mag chloride and measuring spoons. Worth some experiments IMO but lmnt is fine I guess, just know it's an overpriced one size fits all solution which isn't the best possible scenario
1. Will a 36h fast on a Monday with a - 700 deficit Tuesday to Sunday result in more muscle loss than Monday to Sunday - 1,000 deficit? I'm eating 250g protein per day & gym 5x per week for context as well.
2. Fat loss is steady at the moment, currently at about 14% and losing 2.5lbs per week, will it slow down as I get nearer to <10%? Do you recommend losing less per week the closer I get to 10%?
How do I maintain the heightened levels of aggression and manlihood for lack of a better term post sex. I like how I feel 1-2 weeks without sex but obviously would like to enjoy sex as much as possible . What supplementation could I incorporate to bounce back to that heightened level ASAP
Have had bad eczema on about 40% of my arms and legs. Have been to a dermatologist and they prescribed novosome and eleuphrat but they haven’t been successful. It’s been going for about 2 years. What tests should I do to try and get it sorted / fixed?
1) I’ve been loving Tribugen! If I want to try bioidentical DHT - what should I ask my doc for? Injection or cream? What dose? How often? (Note: I take 15 mg oxandrolone sublingual 3X per week before lifts).
2) I’ve been pretty happy with my TRT injecting EOD with a test cyp/ena blend. Can you tell me the benefits of switching to an ED injection schedule with test prop? I kinda hate messing with something that is going so well..
1) not aware of any US pharmacies that carry it currently. That may change one day
2) ED injection schedule with test prop may further lower estradiol conversion and may increase dht conversion. I wouldn't feel like changing it up if it's working
European compounding pharmacy https://nplabs.online is supposed to have DHT cream. I live in EU but according to their shipping page they can ship to USA too.
1) There seems to be a lot of “DHT gel is the best nootropic / maxxing” tweets / accounts gaining traction at the moment. What’s your opinion on using DHT gel, pros and cons and alternatives?
2) Without the use of injections, what peptides / stack would you recommend for increasing GH and testosterone?
1) not a fan of dht gels. Can't be run without TRT as they shut you down and don't go systemic enough to really have PED effects. Also need to be applied several times per day because the half life is so short and can be accidentally transfered to women and children. Needle is always best.
2) the only non injectable compound that can notably increase gh is mk677. Whether or not you want to take it is a different story. It will make you very hungry, bloated, and insulin resistant. Can also run into prolactin issues and anxiety. Might be worth running for 8 weeks, door
How can I put on muscle asap? (I need to catch up to my firefighter brother and best friend)
I'm 42, 15% body fat (and sick of cutting so ready for a change lol)
I'm cool with peptides but not trt/steroids
Sleep is as good as it can be right now with 2 little ones
I'm shooting for 2g protein/1gal water a day
diet is basic but clean, eggs, rice, beef, cheese, sometimes beans and tortillas...
taking creatine, beef organs, magnesium, etc...
libido sucks (has since I turned 40 wtf)
Just recently started lifting regularly (December) so I'm still getting newbie gains... I'd just like to maximize my growth so I won't look like a total Homer next to my jerk friends who get to lift at work...
Feel free to send me links to previous answers (I'm sure I'm not the first person to ask this question)
15% is generally too high bodyfat to focus on muscle building
You are not lean and insulin sensitive enough to put on muscle in a favorable ratio to fat and quick
Cut to 10%
Also, over 90% of people (real number) yndestimate their bodyfat by on average 5%
How do you know you're not one of them? Get a DECA scan
Finally, why would you be pro peptides but anti TRT when you're in your 40s and suffer from low T symptoms. Doesn't make any sense.
Go back in my articles and I have one about building muscle fast.
I know this isn't the answer you *wanted* to hear, but it's reality. It's important to understand that anyone who tells you otherwise either doesn't know what they're talking about or is trying to scam you.
Copy that, cutting to 10% and will move forward with focusing on building muscle.
Haven't done a DECA scan, I've just been using my fat calipers and doing the Jackson/pollok measurements... (I do believe the 90% because 5% ago when I started I thought I was 15%)
I don't want to do TRT because I still have fantasies of competing in masters crossfit... More realistically though, I hope my testosterone goes back up as I get in better shape. Truthfully, I don't know much about it.
Definately not what I *wanted* to hear but a good dose of reality is always welcome.
Can caffeine have a big effect on sleep 12 hours before bed? I usually have 80 mg or so before 11 am. I have always been caffeine sensitive so I am wondering if it is contributing to memory problems.
My daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD and it is honestly heartbreaking. She is behind in school (will be repeating kindergarten), is disruptive at times, hates to read. She is positive but she is so goofy at night before bed it is hard to hold a basic conversation with her.
She is healthy weight and height. We eat healthy, real foods. She has little screentime (none without our direct supervision) and plenty of outside play time.
We have tried so many different supplements such as:
5-HTP Plus (this one helped a bit)
B12 drops
Alpha GPC
Fish oil
Magnesium L-Threonate
N-Acetyl Cysteine and N-Acetyl Glucosamine
Ashwaganda gummies
Phosphatidyl serine
Rhodiola root
Kids probiotics
Lions mane Mushroom gummies
We are considering putting her on something to help her focus, however, I have always viewed pharmaceuticals as a very LAST resort.
I know you don't give medical advice, but I value your opinion more than our woke pediatrician's opinion. Are there any supplements we should try? Anything we should consider regarding putting her on a pharmaceutical?
That blue light is incredibly disruptive to circadian and dopaminergic function. Before bed is actually the worst time for that and should be done earlier in the day if at all. Other than that you should find some productive / positive activities that gets her dopamine flowing and use those as a reward for school performance / behavior. I find that ADHD is a phenotype not a disorder and pharmaceuticals aren't the answer. Optimizing lifestyle for your strengths and weaknesses is the answer. I have severe ADHD btw and can happily say that it's a net positive after you learn how to manage it
On and off through the years I have had gut issues and I am curious to try BPC-157 (for gut, homeostatic and 🍆 benefits), however as I mentioned last Q&A, I have a slightly higher risk than the norm of colon related cancer (lynch syndrome), is it worth the risk and what preliminary steps would you take? *not seeking medical advice*
Related to the question above, I frequently smoke organic tobacco and the geneticist who went informed me of the mutation, had told me that smoking is a huge risk factor, but I would like to continue this habit, what steps would you take to minimize damage?
How would you take Aspirin for DHT (times and dosages)?
I don't think BPC is a risk unless you CURRENTLY have cancer so it'd be advisible to get a cancer screening before experimenting
I'd keep smoking to a bare minimum, make sure you do it outside and get some sun while you're at it and make sure every other aspect of health dialed in
DHT optimizers take 325mg for a preworkout boost, but be careful. Aspirin at that dose isn't necessarily safe or side effect free so check with doctor.
Ferritin came back low in recent bloods (12), likely due to blood donations. Any suggestions on how to consciously increase this in a safe way, and how to know how much to take?
Hemeiron from meat, particularly red meat ismuch more bioavailable so focus on animal protein consumption. As long as you're not vegan, you shouldn't have any issues. Supplementing Vitamin C with meals will also increase iron uptake
I've been on TRT for 6 months after spending 1 year trying to resolve low T levels (300-400). Ate 90%+ whole foods, 4 days/week Z2, 3 days a week strength training, great sleep, worked hard towards a wifi biz, but still no improvement. Had very low libido, which is what prompted me to go down the TRT route
6 months later and libido is great, T levels (and rest of bloods) look good, and I have energy again! Though I do have a more stationary job and am less active than before, but still hit the gym 3-4x/week
The problem though is my insatiable appetite. I cannot stop thinking about food and look forward to it every moment. It's never been like this before, restraint used to be much easier than it is now.
I've done a multi-day fast and it was absolutely brutal. I thought the appetite issue would be resolved by now, but it's still raging and negatively affecting my body composition (20% BF vs. around 12% pre-TRT)
Total T: 700 ng/dL
Free T: 18 pg/mL
Estradiol: 23.5 pg/mL
Currently running:
Test Cyp: 150mg - 3x/week
HCG: 250 IU - 3x/week
1) Have you seen any instances of people able to reverse this in any way?
2) I'm thinking of reducing or even eliminating HCG for a little bit to see if that helps - is this a prudent decision or is that off-base?
3) Is there anything I should focus on optimizing that could help the appetite issue?
Thanks BTBio
Has nothing to do with the HRT and everything to do with your bodyfat and insulin resistance
Get fasted insulin bloodwork and hba1c. Guarantee its too high, signifying insulin resistance which is going to trigger insatiable hunger cravings. Unfortunately you do need to suffer some brutal hunger to get back to baseline. Cut back down to 12% (confirm with dexa) and preferably on a low carb diet with some fasting thrown in to resensitize insulin receptors faster
I thought it could be that - so I did a 90+ hr fast
Lost so much weight and should've continued to stay in keto, but ended up fucking up the refeeding. Should've just locked myself in a room somewhere
I'll confirm insulin resistance and get back to 12% by summer, the latest. Thank you brotha!
easy fix bro! get after it
I know you didn't ask me but have you looked at BTBio's Fat Loss article? Some of the peptides could be extremely useful for lab rats in your situation (although checking the insulin/hba1c is the #1 thing as BTBio stated)
Thanks Po yea I'll be revisiting that (and some high protein recipes) for some additional tips. I've no problem losing weight, just really need to settle into the mindset since it seems to require 5x the focus it used to. I would be absolutely stoked to see if insulin resistance is the culprit
I hear you, those peptides I think are especially useful for those with a very high appetite
I (and many others) could really benefit from a deep dive on lowering SHBG and when all options are exhausted and TRT is called for.
Low(15%BF), donate blood regularly, 750-800 total T, 7.5 to 13.5 (multiple tests) free T. SHBG has been going from 45 to 55 over the past 18 months (across 3 tests).
What's the next step - Cameron Max Clinic/SERMs? TRT? feel like i've done everything
Are you sure you're even 15%? Most vastly underestimaye
15 isn't low anyways. If you don't have a chiseled 6 pack (10 to 12%) you could easily be aromatizing too much
Confirm with a dexa. Get leaner and e2 will come down bringing SHBG with it. Your total T isn't bad at all. Also are you doing keto/carnivore/low carb? Can take 6 to 12 months for SHBG to return to baseline after extended low carb dieting. Being natty isn't easy! But id never go with enclo monotherapy personally
I have a 4 pack, some visceral fat over bottom 2 abs. might even be 17-18% BF.
-No Keto/low-carb/carnivore
It's crazy that body fat is the issue rather than something else going on though...I'm 30 rn, at 25 I was like 25-27% BF but felt super high T (endless energy, high libido, way more confident in spite of looking better now lol)
I'll get a dexa at some point. SHBG is kinda frustrating because it's getting progressively worse in spite of lowering iron, using Boron/TA and being less fat than i was previously
Thanks for response, appreciate what you do!
Do you like the electrolyte mix for LMNT or would you prefer a different ratio and different magnesium source? Would mixing it with 3-5g of creatine enhance hydration as well?
All you really need for rehydration is sodium and maybe some magnesium
The amount depends on you as an individual. Diet, activity, temperature, sweating, how your body processes electrolytes, etc so everyone needs different amountss
My favorite electrolyte blend is sea salt, mag chloride and measuring spoons. Worth some experiments IMO but lmnt is fine I guess, just know it's an overpriced one size fits all solution which isn't the best possible scenario
1. Will a 36h fast on a Monday with a - 700 deficit Tuesday to Sunday result in more muscle loss than Monday to Sunday - 1,000 deficit? I'm eating 250g protein per day & gym 5x per week for context as well.
2. Fat loss is steady at the moment, currently at about 14% and losing 2.5lbs per week, will it slow down as I get nearer to <10%? Do you recommend losing less per week the closer I get to 10%?
Thanks for all your help!
Maybe, they're both high deficits and should be approached with caution, 1.5g per lb bw protein and intense training
2. Do I recommend losing less? Yea, but don't worry. You will! Your body will naturally drop less weight as you get leaner
For how long do you recommend using N Acetyl Semax? And how to cycle it?
How do I maintain the heightened levels of aggression and manlihood for lack of a better term post sex. I like how I feel 1-2 weeks without sex but obviously would like to enjoy sex as much as possible . What supplementation could I incorporate to bounce back to that heightened level ASAP
Have had bad eczema on about 40% of my arms and legs. Have been to a dermatologist and they prescribed novosome and eleuphrat but they haven’t been successful. It’s been going for about 2 years. What tests should I do to try and get it sorted / fixed?
1) I’ve been loving Tribugen! If I want to try bioidentical DHT - what should I ask my doc for? Injection or cream? What dose? How often? (Note: I take 15 mg oxandrolone sublingual 3X per week before lifts).
2) I’ve been pretty happy with my TRT injecting EOD with a test cyp/ena blend. Can you tell me the benefits of switching to an ED injection schedule with test prop? I kinda hate messing with something that is going so well..
1) not aware of any US pharmacies that carry it currently. That may change one day
2) ED injection schedule with test prop may further lower estradiol conversion and may increase dht conversion. I wouldn't feel like changing it up if it's working
European compounding pharmacy https://nplabs.online is supposed to have DHT cream. I live in EU but according to their shipping page they can ship to USA too.
1) There seems to be a lot of “DHT gel is the best nootropic / maxxing” tweets / accounts gaining traction at the moment. What’s your opinion on using DHT gel, pros and cons and alternatives?
2) Without the use of injections, what peptides / stack would you recommend for increasing GH and testosterone?
Glad to hear you’re on the mend too, man.
1) not a fan of dht gels. Can't be run without TRT as they shut you down and don't go systemic enough to really have PED effects. Also need to be applied several times per day because the half life is so short and can be accidentally transfered to women and children. Needle is always best.
2) the only non injectable compound that can notably increase gh is mk677. Whether or not you want to take it is a different story. It will make you very hungry, bloated, and insulin resistant. Can also run into prolactin issues and anxiety. Might be worth running for 8 weeks, door
Thanks brotha
1. Anything for arthritis and nerve pain? Is the only resort pain medicine and corticosteroid shots?
2. Thoughts on oral testosterone?
How can I put on muscle asap? (I need to catch up to my firefighter brother and best friend)
I'm 42, 15% body fat (and sick of cutting so ready for a change lol)
I'm cool with peptides but not trt/steroids
Sleep is as good as it can be right now with 2 little ones
I'm shooting for 2g protein/1gal water a day
diet is basic but clean, eggs, rice, beef, cheese, sometimes beans and tortillas...
taking creatine, beef organs, magnesium, etc...
libido sucks (has since I turned 40 wtf)
Just recently started lifting regularly (December) so I'm still getting newbie gains... I'd just like to maximize my growth so I won't look like a total Homer next to my jerk friends who get to lift at work...
Feel free to send me links to previous answers (I'm sure I'm not the first person to ask this question)
15% is generally too high bodyfat to focus on muscle building
You are not lean and insulin sensitive enough to put on muscle in a favorable ratio to fat and quick
Cut to 10%
Also, over 90% of people (real number) yndestimate their bodyfat by on average 5%
How do you know you're not one of them? Get a DECA scan
Finally, why would you be pro peptides but anti TRT when you're in your 40s and suffer from low T symptoms. Doesn't make any sense.
Go back in my articles and I have one about building muscle fast.
I know this isn't the answer you *wanted* to hear, but it's reality. It's important to understand that anyone who tells you otherwise either doesn't know what they're talking about or is trying to scam you.
Copy that, cutting to 10% and will move forward with focusing on building muscle.
Haven't done a DECA scan, I've just been using my fat calipers and doing the Jackson/pollok measurements... (I do believe the 90% because 5% ago when I started I thought I was 15%)
I don't want to do TRT because I still have fantasies of competing in masters crossfit... More realistically though, I hope my testosterone goes back up as I get in better shape. Truthfully, I don't know much about it.
Definately not what I *wanted* to hear but a good dose of reality is always welcome.
You seem receptive to it so don't worry you're gonna make it
I was in your exact situation before. 3-4 months of hard work and you'll be extremely happy you cut
Can caffeine have a big effect on sleep 12 hours before bed? I usually have 80 mg or so before 11 am. I have always been caffeine sensitive so I am wondering if it is contributing to memory problems.
My daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD and it is honestly heartbreaking. She is behind in school (will be repeating kindergarten), is disruptive at times, hates to read. She is positive but she is so goofy at night before bed it is hard to hold a basic conversation with her.
She is healthy weight and height. We eat healthy, real foods. She has little screentime (none without our direct supervision) and plenty of outside play time.
We have tried so many different supplements such as:
5-HTP Plus (this one helped a bit)
B12 drops
Alpha GPC
Fish oil
Magnesium L-Threonate
N-Acetyl Cysteine and N-Acetyl Glucosamine
Ashwaganda gummies
Phosphatidyl serine
Rhodiola root
Kids probiotics
Lions mane Mushroom gummies
We are considering putting her on something to help her focus, however, I have always viewed pharmaceuticals as a very LAST resort.
I know you don't give medical advice, but I value your opinion more than our woke pediatrician's opinion. Are there any supplements we should try? Anything we should consider regarding putting her on a pharmaceutical?
Screen time and evening blue light exposure?
During the day she gets about 1hour total of screentime I'd say
~20mins about 30mins before bed is the last bit of screentime
That blue light is incredibly disruptive to circadian and dopaminergic function. Before bed is actually the worst time for that and should be done earlier in the day if at all. Other than that you should find some productive / positive activities that gets her dopamine flowing and use those as a reward for school performance / behavior. I find that ADHD is a phenotype not a disorder and pharmaceuticals aren't the answer. Optimizing lifestyle for your strengths and weaknesses is the answer. I have severe ADHD btw and can happily say that it's a net positive after you learn how to manage it
On and off through the years I have had gut issues and I am curious to try BPC-157 (for gut, homeostatic and 🍆 benefits), however as I mentioned last Q&A, I have a slightly higher risk than the norm of colon related cancer (lynch syndrome), is it worth the risk and what preliminary steps would you take? *not seeking medical advice*
Related to the question above, I frequently smoke organic tobacco and the geneticist who went informed me of the mutation, had told me that smoking is a huge risk factor, but I would like to continue this habit, what steps would you take to minimize damage?
How would you take Aspirin for DHT (times and dosages)?
I don't think BPC is a risk unless you CURRENTLY have cancer so it'd be advisible to get a cancer screening before experimenting
I'd keep smoking to a bare minimum, make sure you do it outside and get some sun while you're at it and make sure every other aspect of health dialed in
DHT optimizers take 325mg for a preworkout boost, but be careful. Aspirin at that dose isn't necessarily safe or side effect free so check with doctor.
Thank you for your response. Will definitely do the screening before hand. I will also play around with Aspirin.
Ferritin came back low in recent bloods (12), likely due to blood donations. Any suggestions on how to consciously increase this in a safe way, and how to know how much to take?
Hemeiron from meat, particularly red meat ismuch more bioavailable so focus on animal protein consumption. As long as you're not vegan, you shouldn't have any issues. Supplementing Vitamin C with meals will also increase iron uptake
Should I refrigerate semax and selank?