Dec 15, 2023Liked by BowTied Biohacker

We are waiting for articles about maximum libido, maximum erection, morning wood, blood flow, maximum semen...

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Thank you for the suggestions. These will be addressed within the next 2 weeks.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by BowTied Biohacker

Hey brother, any suggestions on reducing risk of skin cancer in high UV places like Australia? I'm sunlight-maxxing but skin cancer rates are high here

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I'm not worried about it as long as you avoid burning. Make sure to get sun exposure at sunrise and sunset daily to set your solar callus. Zinc oxide can help too. There's a theory that omega 6 polyunsaturated fat consumption has something to do with sun burns / skin cancer. It's not proven yet, but something to think about.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by BowTied Biohacker

Does mk-677 cause ED? How can we take precautions while using it?

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MK-677 can sometimes raise prolactin. Elevated prolactin causes ED. Besides coming off, lowering the dose can help. 300mg of Vitamin E daily with 100-200mg P5P daily can be deployed to control proalctin as well. If that's not enough, NOW's Muca Pruriens extract "Muca Dopa" can be taken daily as well.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by BowTied Biohacker

I am 41, I work out about 20mins/day/4 days/week. I eat very clean and hydrate well. Blood work and weight are great.

I have had a kidney stone and I want to ensure I never have one again! My Mom also had a kidney issue (anca vasculitis) so I want to take care of my kidneys.

For prevention and tracking, I plan on doing a kidney test in the Spring for Calcium Oxalate Crystals, Uric Acid Crystals and Cystatin C with eGFR

I currently take Chanca Piedra but only take one capsule a week or so

My question is: What is the best way to minimize my risk of a stone ever again? Should I take Chanca Piedra more frequently? Add Potassium Citrate? Anything else you'd recommend for better kidney health overall? Thanks!

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Good to hear you're taking care of yourself. I'd look up "oxalate rich foods" and avoid those as best as possible. Hydration is key, but sounds like you have it dialed in. 5-6g potassium per day, preferably from food as potassium citrate is absorbed quickly and can spike your potassium levels in the blood to dangerous levels. Maybe a quarter teaspoon in your water per day is fine, but rely on food. Magnesium is also very helpful for preventing those calcium formations. I aim for at least 1 gram of elemental per day. Finally, astragalus is the most kidney protective herb out there. I'd look into it. I've personally noticed a very notable increase in eGFR and decrease in creatinine while taking it. It is great for kidney function and as an anti-inflammatory. Also worth noting that tadalafil microdoses (prescribed by doctor) at 2.5 to 5mg per day have been known to increase kidney function as well, by improving blood flow. Hope you don't have any more, I've been there and it sucks!

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Any thoughts on BodyHealth product called Perfect Amino? They claim their product has 2 calories, won't break a fast, and provides your body the equivalent of 30 grams of whey protein. Supposedly the human body only converts about 18% of protein from whey, so 30g of whey protein really only nets your body ~ 6g of protein. Gary Brecka is pushing the product on his podcasts. He suggests using it to provide your muscles with protein during a fasted workout to prevent muscle loss.


Is this legit? Seems like a crazy hack to get equivalent of 30g of protein for 2 calories.

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Author

Lol if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. This is 100% BS

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Anything to reduce appearance of or remove fordyce spots?

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Thinking about getting injectable l-carnitine. What do you think is the best source to get it from? Also, what’s your protocol for injecting it before training? What other benefits can I get from it besides better fat mobilization?

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Best source would be compounding pharmacy with rx. You could look into Chase Irons too

There's plenty of benefits. Androgen Receptor upregulation is probably the best one. A lot of data showing improvement in sperm count & quality as well. I pin glutes 600-900mg EOD & supplement with oral on off days. It's a literal pain in the ass

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Also what’s the best spot to inject it in?

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26 years old looking to jump on TRT from Uk. tried other avenues and still having low t on bloods, also prolactin high. opinions and advice on starting at my age. Have gone to a clinic and have been given the green light to start. Is it too early, feel like low T is holding me back. cheers bro.

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TRT clinics are there to take your money.

What are LH & FSH at? Low? You likely are living a low t lifestyle (nutrition, training, time outdoors, sleep, social life, competition, bodyfat percentage - cab go on)

If they're elevated, sure you have real hypogonadism and can't prpduce test yourself.

TRT protocols in the UK usually look something like 1 shot of nebido every 2 to 4 weeks. That's no way to live. Being naturally high T is infinitely better. Up to you though, just my .02

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Hello, I have had various forms of neuropathic pain, cognitive dysfunction, and seemingly autonomic dysfunction for around 18 months, before which I was healthy. I am trying to get a proper diagnosis, as standard bloodwork keeps coming back normal. I have had MRIs as well as EMGs done which also come back normal. I suspect small fiber neuropathy, and am testing for that soon via a skin biopsy. I currently suspect it is either neurological or autoimmune. I did a genova diagnostics metabolomix test, and nearly every single amino acid level is at least 3X past the top of the upper limit of the range. Not asking for medical advice obviously, but I need help figuring it out, as my doctors are not familiar with it, and genova was stumped as well. Genova actually ran the test again to confirm the authenticity of the results. Dysfunctional energy metabolism is present in all disease states, and again, I'm not asking for medical advice. However, if you could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it, perhaps what you would be broadly investigating. Thanks

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Hey man! Hope i'm not too late. Just wanted to talk about energy levels. I've always had generally lower energy levels and libido. I've also always needed extra sleep like 10 hours a night. Current sleep schedule is like 9:30pm-8am. Since dialing in my nutrition and circadium rythym this year my energy has improved, but would love to hear if you have any tips on sleep efficiency or increasing energy levels. I'm 25 if that makes a difference.

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I would be curious on whether you tested keto diet or whether you've done a deep dive into the research. My experiences have been positive and have found weight loss to be more effective that way than severe caloric restriction.

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I like keto diet. You get more initial water weight loss when starting keto. Since insulin is low & carbs are low you will be peeing out a lot of water/glycogen/sodium

Keto is also easier because you have less appetite & you restore insulin sensitivity quicker.

But keto being i herently more effective than any other diet for weight loss? No. A 500 calorie deficit on keto will yield the same permanent weight loss as a 500 calorie deficit on any other diet.

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Question regarding preserving muscle and getting the most out of lipolysis on extended fasts 36-72hours and beyond.

Would adding in low dose Oxandrolone (5-10mg) offset any lean tissue loss from an extended fast? I'm on TRT + HCG with total test levels of about 980. Would 20mg cardarine be beneficial for added fat loss?

Also dosing 3g of L-Carnitine Tartrate daily.


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You're not going to lose much muscle on a 36 to 72 hr fast anyway. A little oxandrolone isn't going to make much of a difference if any. The most important thing to offset the minor muscle loss is to refeed and train hard the day you break your fast. The boost in insulin sensitivity and igf-1 will give you enough extra anabolism to offset it.

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I thought you recommend to be in deficit next 1-2 days after longer fast so you get maximum fat loss possible or refeed doesnt necesarrily means be in surplus?

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Appreciate it man. Is it wise to lift the day I break my fast or wait til the next day. Let's say I lift in the morning and break my fast around noon and refeed.

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Get some food in you before you lift

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Hello sir, thank you for all the previous answers.

My 2 questions

1. Following your shredding routine, should I incorporate a cheating day? If yes, can you elaborate on the best method?

2. What are you thoughts on Goat whey?

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1) No, cheat DAYs (ie eating a bunch of junk all day) can easily undo the whole week of fat loss. Maybe 1 reasonable cheat meal once a week like a burger and fried (don't do something ridiculous like a whole large pizza) is fine, but it's not gonna accelerate your fat loss.

2) Whey is whey

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32, 5’10”, 170, healthy lifestyle and diet. Added boron to my supp stack 3 times. Each time had BPH symptoms after a few weeks. Very hard to pee. Like what I imagine a fat 80 year old would experience. Even 5 mg tadalafil didn’t really work. Had a cystoscopy(fun) and doctor concluded slightly enlarged prostate. Suggested a TURP but no thanks. Took out the boron. Kept the 5 MG tadalafil and everything is great. I want to add in boron and add L-carnitine, tongkat ali, etc and start really maxing out my Potential natty before going trt route, etc. Thing is I’m scared of this happening again. I consume lots of veggies, fruit, turmeric, ginger, garlic and when the boron was in stack all that didn’t do much. What can I do to avoid bph sympotoms coming on again while increasing test, dht, etc?

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Any thoughts on AOD 9604 nasal spray from Amino?

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Does not work as a nasal spray. They shouldn't sell it, but people buy it so they do.

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Not to spoil a potential future article but you mention mitigating the shortening of telomere’s in the looksmaxing stack (ghk-cu, NAD+, HGH, ect), how effective is astragalus in that role? What other supplements help mitigate telomere shortening?

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It's really hard to quantify how much astragalus helps or doesn't. There isn't enough evidence to treat any of these as fact, nor is there longterm evidence on these anti-aging therapies.

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