Mar 8Liked by BowTied Biohacker

33 year old here. How could I go about fixing a skinny fat (don't know how else to describe it) physique where I store most of my fat in the abs, hips and thighs, could be considered overweight (216lbs at almost 6'1" tall) with not much muscle mass in the best way possible?

Since last October I've been slowly but surely adding some muscle to my body (nothing spectacular) and I've been very consistently adding weight or reps at the gym, however my weight hasn't changed much so I'm not sure how I should be manipulating my daily calories and the fat in the previously mentioned areas seems untouched, though my stomach and hips do appear slimmer.

I don't want to drop calories too low for fear of crashing my metabolism and losing all energy in the gym but I'm not sure if I should be increasing them out of fear of just becoming fatter. There's history of diabetes in my family so I have concerns about insulin sensitivity. Apologies for the long writeup and thanks in advance!

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Everyone tells skinnyfats to focus on building muscle

That is horrible advice

They are insulin resistant, which means they'll put on 2+ lbs of fat for every 1 lb of muscle

There's only 1 way to fix this and it ain't pretty, but it must be done

You have to cut to single digit bf, preferably on keto

Yes this means you will look disgustingly thin and malnourished by the time you're done, but your metabolic issues will be fixed

The good news?

The combo of low mass, noob gains & hypersensitivity to insulin means you can EASILY put on 25lbs of mostly lean mass the first 3ish months of bulking as long as diet & training are in check

Yes, you'll literally make better than steroid gains on your rebound so you won't have to look anorexic for very long

Small price to pay to set yourself up for a lifetime of looking & feeling good

See my scientific method to getting shredded article for more info on how to cut!

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Mar 8Liked by BowTied Biohacker

Got bloods back as follows:

Total T: 650 Ng/dl (22.5 nmol/L)

Free T: 8.5 Ng/dl (294 pmol/L)

FSH and LH: 4 IU/L

SHBG: 69 nmol/L

Estradiol results not released yet

Other than boron, any thoughts on how I can increase my free T as a natty? Was on tongkat but did nothing

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First impression is your SHBG is high, so maybe you're on a keto diet or like to drink alcohol. This is often seen in people who are either on keto, fat, consume alcohol often it all of the above.

Worth noting that the test only stays bound to SHBG for a few hours before it detaches and becomes free T

You can think of SHBG as a protein that stores testosterone for later and transports it into certain tissues free T can't go to

That said, if you are keto or even low carb, SHBG will be a lot higher. Introducing carbs will increase free T in this scenario, but will take months.

At 600s total T, a normal estradiol level is around 15-20 pg/ml. If you're higher than that, reducing estradiol will increase free T because aromatase can only convert free T. The best thing you can do to increase free/total T and reduce estradiol is lose bodyfat. Don't have a very defined 6 pack? Good news, losing bodyfat will improve your hormones.

Going back to SHBG being the storage protein, think of test as an on demand hormone. More of it becomes available when its needed. When life is hard? More T. When you are competing with other men or engaging in high risk activities? More T. Ask yourself if you are truly living a high T lifestyle.

Hit 12% bodyfat, hit the weights, cut out the booze, throw on some gloves and do some sparring a few times a week, and be more active.

If you want to instantly feel like you have more free T / DHT, tribugen might be worth a shot. You can grab off nootropicsdepot.com with code BIOHACKER10 for 10% off

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Mar 8Liked by BowTied Biohacker

Thanks legend, great reply. I don't drink but I'm relatively low carb and also at around 17% BF. Will aim to introduce more carbs, drop BF% and focus on engaging in those types of activities

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Mar 8Liked by BowTied Biohacker

What is your current testosterone /dht/ androgen sensitivity stack ?

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L Carnitine

Acetyl L Carnitine


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You guys know you can ask any question you want right? Ask me anything plus one ADDITIONAL question related to DHT if you'd like. So far only getting DHT questions

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Are you concerned at all about prostate cancer (or at least BPH) due to DHT supplementation? I recall vaguely that you had mentioned on Twitter that you thought high E2 was a confounder here.

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Not concerned about cancer, but I wouldn't be surprised if bloods show elevated PSA. I'll of course let you guys know

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Hey UM,

What would a protocol be for managing water retention in my lab rat while he has E2 much above the reference range? The lab rat enjoys having higher E2.

DHT question - how does exogenous DHT compare with exogenous masteron or primobolan?

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8Author

HH Brother!

I would avoid high e2 because of of increased risk for blood clots at the very least.

But if that doesn't scare you, Telmisartan / HCTZ usually does the trick as well as making sure you have a 2:1 K:Na ratio

DHT derivatives are cheap imitatioins of DHT is the way I see it now.

Primo has AI & anabolic properties

Mast has SERM / cosmetic properties

Anadrol provides strength and fullness

DHT does all these things as well or better than them + more (especially the mental benefits due to neurosteroid metabolites)

DHT derivs are obsolete if you have estered DHT

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Hey man!

Is there any issue doing this for next 8 weeks on a cut:

Monday - Saturday = 650 calorie deficit per day.

Sunday = fast (with water and electrolytes).

Then repeat for another 7/8 weeks?


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Additional question: Is my case unusual in not feeling any difference with oral l-carnitine (4g per day)? Haven't felt anything different at all and I've tried a number of brands - is there a significant difference between oral and injectable?

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Might need up to 6

Can't take more than 1g at a time and need every dose to be with a meal or per workout

If you are insulin resistant it won't work as well

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Why cant take 1 more than gram at a time?

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Is there a particular reason GABAergic things tend to give me hyper vivid dreams (nightmares mostly.) Tried all the usual suspects to help sleep ( mag gly, l theanine, etc..) and they all mess my night up pretty good, only one that hasn't so far is mag acetyl taurine, so been taking 2-3 of those a night from life extension.

Trying to find more to read on DHT, (read on alphagel page I saw in some of your replies I think.) They listed different sites like traps for systemic absorption, or putting it on the penile region directly for growth. (no clue how that would work/is even possible.) Is there any literature available to read up on is is my question I haven't been able to find much. ( On Gels or injectables if injectable even exists.) Have a great night.

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GABAergics tend to enhance REM, which is when nightmares happen

Glycine/Mag Glycinate aren't GABAergic. They are inhibitory, but may have a paradoxical excitatory effect. L Theanine may also at higher dosages.

Yes there is literature, but you have to use specific terms. DHT is referred to as androstanolone or dihydrotestoerone most of the time, enanthate is usually referred to as heptanoate, etc. Check scholar.google.com

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I accidentally bought semax and selank in powder form. What is the best ingredient to mix these with for nasal sprays?

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What supplements would you recommend for boosting endurance and reducing fatigue for a crossfit 10-20 minute HIT workout.

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I would avoid crossfit and do some other type of HIT to avoid injuries

200-400mg ubiquinol preworkout

250mg emoxypine

7g L Citrulline

250-500mg Rhodiola Rosea extract from ND

lot of options

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You wrote on twitter/X:

"You know anastrozole is a mild estrogen receptor agonist (hence the strong affinity for aromatase) and also doesn't cross blood testis barrier

Exemestane / Arimastane are vastly superior options for male HRT

Leave anastrozole to the females with breast cancer

But yes, it works."

I am trying to understand why you saying to not bother with anastrozole since it works. Is it because it has some side-effect, or because it is less effective than the alternatives, or am I missing the point?

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Less effective than Exemestane, which is a steroidal suicidal aromatase inhibitor

Few reasons:

1) Anastrozole (being an estrogen) can activate estrogen receptors in the brain and cause side effects like moodiness, lethargy, etc

2) Does not cross blood testis barrier like steroidal AIs so it's much less effective for managing e2 on hCG (which everyone should be running regardless of fertility needs because you'll eventually get mental and sexual sides from chronic LH deprivation)

3) Non suicidal, so missing a dose / coming off will cause an estrogen rebound

Aromasin (Exemestane) is overall a superior AI even though they both are effective for lowering e2 levels

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Arimastane is another good one (suicidal and steroidal), but since its mild, it's only good for managing mildly elevated e2 levels

It's actually perfect for TRT in most cases and it's sold as a supplement (non compliant, but still OTC)

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Followup question:

If e2 levels get pushed too low unintentionally, will they recover quicker with the "non-suicidal" Anastrozole?

I'm not on TRT btw.

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Looking to microdose accutane at 20mg/week. Is this an effective dose for someone who wants to improve complexion (already minimal acne but oily skin) and it there any side effect that i should be concerned about for long term use?

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Never heard of microdoses that small. Usually it's 20mg/day or every other day. You may end up with chapped lips, elevated liver enzymes, night vision issues, etc. so not something to take lightly or do without doctor approval

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Thoughts on h3o2, molecular hydrogen and seawater hypertonic? Also how do you hit electrolytes while fasting?

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Those are scams brother. H3o2 isn't even a real molecule haha

I just put sea salt and magnesium chloride in my water when I fast. Don't need potassium really as it's all dumping into my bloodstream with the glycogen. Take Infibi too for the thiamine and other good bioavailable B vits.

May have to supplement more on fasts longer than 3 days, but that's something dangerous you should only do under medical supervision due to electrolyte imbalances, refeeding syndrom, etc. (not worth it)

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Thank you,

Would you point me towards great resources on supplementing during longer than 3 day fasts or with previously depleted glycogen stores?

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What are your thoughts on sorghum syrup daily to boost DHT? A friend I know had a not great score on a coronary artery calcium test. He’s 60, slightly overweight, what lifestyle recommendations/supplements would you recommend and is there a way to reduce that’s score over time?

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Not sure how that would impact DHT either way, but go ahead and try if you feel the need to experiment.



Magnesium supplementation inversely associated with coronary artery calcifaction.

This is not medical advice, simply what I'd do in that situation.

Caloric deficit + 1.5g protein per lb of bodyweight with 4x+ per week resistance training and 5x+ per week cardio & min 12k steps per day

Stay in deficit until abs are well defined (around 12% bodyfat), cut refined carbs and sugars out completely

Magnesium supplementation + my lipid stack https://twitter.com/BowTiedUM/status/1686804864280522771

Perhaps ask doctor for Eztimibe if warranted

Focus on Omega 3 rich proteins & supplement if not eating fatty fish

Pull bloods every 3 months to check CBC, CMP, Hba1c, fasted insulin, ApoB, lp(a), HS CRP and work with doctor to get in range

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Do you think HCG or Gonadorelin are necessary while on TRT if you’re not worried about fertility?

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I still think hCG necessary (not Gonadorelin that's trash) if you care about mental wellbeing, cognitive performance, libido, and sexual performance

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