Have high natural testosterone from locked in lifestyle. Building my life currently and don’t have time atm for a relationship. How to manage a very high libido when you can’t be having sex or whackin it? Is it healthy?

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I think it's good to have women in your life. It's ok to date a few girls at once until you find that good girl that's worth having kids with IMO. If you're not interested in that, the only thing I can think of is using AI to lower estradiol so you won't have a libido. It's not necessarily the healthiest thing to do, but it works if you can't find the discipline

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Spin plates my brother! Get some regular girls on rotation, see them once a week tops, no relationship needed. It takes time to create a solid rotation but once you're there it's maintenance 😄

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Want to remain abstinent while not in relationship. Not rushing to get into one

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Exactly brother. Done that before, not for me lifestyle and time wise

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Ahhh so no girls just for fun? No girls strictly for fwb?

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To abstain

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Whacking it... actually seems really effective. Lol

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It lowers dopamine sensitivity. Also desensitizes androgens in brain

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If u were an athlete what stack would you take to improve athleticism (I.e. tendon gains not just muscle). Stack for a non tested athlete and a tested athlete

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Non Tested: 50 to 100mg of nandrolone per week for tendon & ligament support, 200mg testosterone per week for anabolism, 2iu hgh/ day for recovery, cardarine, bemethyl, mblue & emoxypine for endurance, and BPC 157/ TB500 as needed for injuries

Tested: creatine & collagen peptides, bemethyl, mblue & emoxypine

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How to deal/fix with chronic cold hands and feet. Cardio is good, running sub 6 min mile.

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Looking to supplement the right way. I've read that getting a blood test to see where I am deficient makes more sense than just popping a multivitamin. For example, I've heard methylated B-vitamins are great but don't know if I should take it if I'm already fine there.

I recently had my blood drawn for a basic blood panel and everything seemed fine. I used Ulta Labs (https://www.ultalabtests.com/) and they were amazing (very low cost and fast).

What is the best lab test or tests I should get to see if I am nutritionally deficient anywhere?

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Had been casually lifting for about a year, started using a serious PPL program and increased cardio.

Cardio was 45 mins on rowing machine 2-3 times a week.

Started getting subtle soreness in knees. Took a break from everything for about a month without a change in soreness.

Knee hurts most when bending without load.

Assuming IT band syndrome or some other common over use.

Any advice on hastening the healing process?

Very eager to get back to crushing leg days.

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What would you advise for body recomposition? Anu suggestions for building muscles while losing fat?

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A recipe for a lean slender face? Apart from reducing body fat

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If someone had their diet, exercise (cardio/weight lifting) and sleep dialed in, and still suffered from OCD, ruminations, and depression, what are supplements/nootropics/courses of action to help remedy them ? Basically as an alternative to something like fluvoxamine. Really would appreciate your input on this one.

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Trick question. If you have diet, cardio, sunlight, and sleep dialed in, AND you're lifting, you aren't going to be *suffering*

you'll at least be content

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Appreciate the response man. Fair enough, maybe I’ll pose the question a different way......what’s a good stack for helping to crush OCD/depression and get back to being happy? Beyond just being content. Feeling genuinely good, even great.

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I've got two kids - boy age 11, girl age 12.5. What supplements would normally not be recommended by health professionals, but still be safe and effective for these ages? Outside of optimizing sleep, early morning sunlight, grounding, physical exercise - what else could enhance development and well-being? Currently, we're giving them vitamin D and omega-3, sticking to a mostly seed-oil free diet, plenty of grass-fed beef, occasional organ meat. Anything we're missing?

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honestly, I don't really believe in supplements for kids if nutrition is dialed in unless it's for a specific usecase. example: gingko for ADHD or astragalus for height growth https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34828688/

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Severe hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet. They are also often cold. What blood tests should I do? Also are there any universal substances to reduce this problem ? 24 years old, no diseases, currently winter months and in my climate very little sunshine

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Go to the doctor and get thyroid hormones/tsh checked, cbc, cmp, hemoglobin a1c, ANA, ESR, and high sensitivity CRP

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Do you have a preferred pre-workout that you use? If not what do you think of Gorilla mode /gorilla mode nitric, Watched Derek's vide on them and the ingredients in each seem pretty good from what I'm aware of.

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I use gorilla mode when I do use a preworkout. best *legal* otc preworkout supplement IMO

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Has some good ingredients, but they are underdosed.

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Whats up BTBH! Really appreciate any wisdom or insight on this. Ever since taking antibiotics around 6 months ago i've had pretty regular diarrhea. Seems to happen around once a week basically liquid diarrhea. Typically triggered by something minor: having a few drinks the night before (I rarely ever drink), eating some candy, eating a super fatty meal for breakfast... Stuff that seemingly shouldn't hit me that hard. Of course i try to avoid but there seems to be something underlying. My diet, exercise, circadium rythym and general life habits are pretty good for the most part. When I got a full blood test the only thing that showed as somewhat off was highish bilirubin total (1.9mg). Have tried a bunch of stuff already: probiotics, digestive enzymes etc. For some reason the problem keeps coming up and the issue gets triggered by things that i should be able to handle in moderation. Anything you would recommend trying?

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Probiotics can sometimes worsen gut health if your microbiome isn't balanced. What i'd do in that i situation is fast 3 days to reset, look up a low FODMAP diet and eat that exclusively for a few weeks, and supplement with glutamine, BPC-157 capsules, psyllium husk fiber and sodium butyrate

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Optimal way to reduce eye bags (After a bout of excess travel/ sleep deprivation) ?

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there are some topical serums for that, but other than that i'd ice it for some instant reduction and catch up on sleep

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thank you, would you have any suggestions for the serums ? - happy to try anything.

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Highest ROI supplements for 29yo male? I understand that's an incredibly broad question but I want to build a solid stack from scratch and feel like I don't know where to start without purchasing dozens of products. I currently eat clean balanced diet and only take creatine and vitamin D. Energy is fine and am in good shape but would like to develop a stack that improves energy/focus and muscle building to take things to next level. Assuming your comprehensive post coming out will also help but figured I'd ask here also.

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It really is too broad of a question hahaha. You also have to experiment and find what works best for you as an individual.

I'll give you a place to start: rhodiola rosea & maybe primavie for energy, l-carnitine 3-4x per day for muscle building (androgen receptor upregulation), energy and fat loss

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Thank you! Going to try those and see how body responds. Much appreciated

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Got on TRT in October 2021. Felt great for the 1-1/2 years I was on, but it killed sperm count and so I stopped in July earlier this year. Wife is expecting now, and I’m considering getting back on, but concerned about sperm count not coming back up and the shitty feeling of getting off again when we want to have another kid. 35 years old as of earlier this month. Advice? Should I get back on or just wait until 40’s?

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If you take hCG with the testosterone you can maintain a very high sperm count / testicular function indefinitely

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